Chemische Industrie, Chemische Stoffe Herstellung und Vertrieb

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Taros is an independent and privately owned chemistry CRO / CMO and custom synthesis provider.


0231 22619819

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Über uns

Taros is an independent and privately owned chemistry CRO / CMO and custom synthesis provider that has been serving pharmaceutical, biotech and chemical companies since 1999. Collaborating with pharma and biotech corporations, we provide holistic medicinal chemistry services to clients on their way to the next clinical candidate. Having a strong scientific track record on many biomolecular targets in all main therapeutic areas we add considerable value to collaborations from target validation and hit identification to lead optimization. Our drug discovery chemistry services include discovery chemistry, medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry and molecular modeling, as well as the design of compound libraries and the production of screening compounds. Within our performance chemicals division, we accelerate the chemical research and development of our customers on their way to develop innovative materials and products relevant for electronic chemicals and electronic materials, coatings, adhesives, performance plastics, petrochemicals, consumer goods, etc.. Our custom chemical services include custom synthesis, process chemistry and custom manufacturing. We support our customers by providing first kg quantities of fine and specialty chemicals, cost reduction of existing syntheses, streamlining chemical processes considering HSSE objectives and increasing their supply independency for key raw materials as well as compounds which are commercially unavailable.

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

chemische Spezialprodukte

Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Unternehmensdetails:
    • Gründungsjahr1999

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