
I am a sensual sadist. I am nurturing, fun and empathetic as a Dom. In my sessions, I am very playful and emotionally connected with my subs. During a session I am present, focused and completely in the moment. I'm not scared to be intimate with my subs - both emotionally and physically. When I connect with a sub, I can feel where we are as the session develops and changes. I am in touch with the ebb and flow of the energy in the room. I am approachable and beginner-friendly, but also have the skills and knowledge to dominate any hardened BDSM enthusiast. Having mutual trust is the key to us both having a deep and fulfilling experience. Open and honest communication is a core part of any session with me.

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Ron Hades in Berlin ist in den Branchen Coaching, Consulting und Beratung und Unterhaltung und Kleinkunst tätig.