Containerdienste, Container und Transportbehälter

noch 1 Std. 6 Min.
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BOXXPORT is an online market place enabling people from across the globe to buy and sell containers.


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Über uns

BOXXPORT is a one-of-its-kind shipping container trading platform that facilitates the online buying and selling of containers. Ever since the advent of the digital age, everyone has become dependent on digital mediums to be able to conduct online business activities online. Nobody wants to undergo the tiring and time-consuming process of going out and looking for potential buyers or sellers of shipping containers. Here at BOXXPORT, we take away all your worries with our e-commerce shipping container platform. We create a marketplace-like situation for anyone who is looking to buy or sell cargo containers from the comfort of their homes. We have been in the logistics and supply chain business for a long time and we know the ins and outs of how the industry works. We are offering our services to clients from all over the world, and you can purchase a shipping container easily with just a few clicks from any part of the world that you wish. We provide added features of real-time information regarding pricing and availability of shipping containers so that any container buyer or container seller can make an informed decision. Get in touch with BOXXPORT today for a hassle-free container trading transaction.

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

Lieferung möglich
Isolierte Container
Wir sind für Sie da

Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Unternehmensdetails:
    • EigentümerAndrii Shevchuk
    • Gründungsjahr2015

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