e-con Systems

Elektronische Bauelemente

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e-con Systems develops and manufactures OEM cameras for computer vision, automation, Surveillance, medical imaging, Industrial, Artificial Intelligence, Drone.


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Über uns

e-con Systems™ is a product company focused on OEM products with the sole motive to help customers to speed up the time to market. Founded in 2003, e-con Systems has been a pioneer in the OEM Cameras and Computer on module products. Camera modules include standalone MIPI camera modules and USB cameras. e-con Systems notable contribution has been in the launch of the World's first UVC Compatible USB 3.0 camera. e-con Systems was also the world's first standalone Stereo camera supplier. 

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen


Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Parkmöglichkeit vorhanden
  • Zahlungsarten
    • Visa
    • Mastercard
    • Geldkarte
    • GesellschaftsformLtd
    • Gründungsjahr2003
    • Mitarbeiter100-999

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